LONDON — John Hines isn’t a stranger in building a team into a district, region and state contenders, and even state champions.
He hopes to accomplish all three during his stay as head coach of the South Laurel Cardinals.
After spending 25 years as head coach of the Pulaski County football program, Hines resigned this past winter and took over the reigns at South Laurel where the football program hasn’t reached the Class 5A playoffs since 2018, and hasn’t won a playoff game since November 11, 2005.
“Things at South Laurel have gone extremely well since I accepted the job back in January,” Hines said. “I am extremely pleased with the support of the administration, the fans, parents, and most, especially the coaching staff and the players. It has been a real treat for me to see what we can possibly do here at South Laurel.
“Our goal at South Laurel will simply be to achieve our potential each and every season,” he added. “I believe there’s incredible potential here to have an outstanding football program over the long term. Is it possible to win district, region, and state championships? We all have to believe that that’s the case. If it can happen at Pulaski County, it can happen at South Laurel.”
Hines said the Cardinal players have adjusted well with him taking over as head coach, and he’s excited with what he has seen.
“The players have adjusted very well,” he said. “I’m very excited about what we found when we came in here back in January, and it continues. What we found was a great hunger in the players. The hunger to be successful in football. A hunger to do the work that it takes to be successful. Regardless of what we have brought aboard, they are accepting of it and ready to dive in.”
Not only are the coaches and players are excited about the season kicking off soon, but Hines believes Cardinal fans will like the brand of football South Laurel will bring to the table this fall.
“I think the fans will enjoy watching this cardinal team play,” Hines said. “I think they’re gonna play with a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of excitement and a lot of confidence. I think the fans will truly enjoy each and every Friday night.
“Our expectations will always be accomplish our potential,” he added. “I’m still not sure what that is this season, as it relates to wins and losses, but we will continue to strive to be the best we can be in every phase of the game. We will play very aggressive defense, and we will play a very fast downhill offense. we will play the win in the kicking game and try to turn the tide with momentum. As I said earlier, the kids are very hungry for success and are willing to do whatever we asked him to do. It’s gonna be an exciting season.”